Dean Billett

Dean Billett is our resident flooring expert. He has an impressive 28 years of experience working in the flooring industry. While working in various areas of the industry, he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge related to all aspects of flooring. Plus, he’s definitely picked up a few good tips and tricks while he was at it! One look at his articles on our website, and you will instantly be able to tell the true depth of his passion for flooring.

Dean’s Experience & Expertise

Dean got his start in the flooring industry at just 16 years old, when he became an apprentice carpet and vinyl layer. After concluding his apprenticeship, Dean moved into sales, before realising his dream of co-owning and running his own flooring store. He has been able to spend time helping customers find exactly the type of flooring they were looking for and sharing his knowledge of flooring with his employees. Over the years, Dean has personally overseen the training of 10 apprentices and continues to spread his passion for the flooring industry.

It was during this time that Dean saw a major gap in the flooring retail sector. Traditionally, home and business owners interested in buying flooring went to brick-and-mortar stores. But the world is rapidly moving towards more and more online options, which is where Online Flooring Store began. He hopes to bring everything he has learned about flooring to people all over Australia through his online store.