Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Wide Engineered Timber Flooring Hamptons allows you to easily install it wherever and whenever you are ready. Each plank has 7 coatings of UV cured Treffert lacquer to ensure the ultimate protection from the sun and other damage. This engineered timber will not easily wear down over the years.
A frosted look of yellow oversets Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Wide Engineered Timber Flooring in Hamptons colour. Try a recommendation from our team at the Online Flooring Store and complement the Hamptons style with warm decorative accents, such as a light-yellow wall colour or red curtains. Every plank of this engineered timber is 15mm thick, with a generous wear layer of 4mm. You will see that this sturdy flooring does not easily wear thanks to the real oak lamella and 7 coats of Treffert lacquer.
Key Features:
- Easy installation with tongue and groove click system
- Micro bevel edge profile for seamless fit
- UV cured 7 coat Treffert lacquer system
- Subtle brush texture surface
- Ultra matte finish
- 15mm thickness planks
Plank size: 2200 x 240 mm
Thickness: 15 mm
Qty per carton: 5 pcs
Area per carton: 2.64 m2
Veneer: 4 mm
Nested boards in packs: Yes
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